About me


대학교 때 교양으로 Introduction to Computer Programming 이라는 수업을 통해 python을 우연히 접하게 되었고, 그 이후에도 멋쟁이 사자처럼에서 활동하고, 다양한 수업을 들으며 개발자의 꿈을 키웠습니다.

My name is Chae Lin Shin (Korean: 신채린). I am currently a student at Samsung SW Academy for Youth (SSAFY), learning all kinds of web development related materials. I graduated from New York University (NYU) with a Bachelor of Science in Media, Culture, and Communication. While studying at NYU, I also took a leave of absence and went to Peking University to study Chinese since I received Chinese Government Scholarship.

I am a passionate communicator and programmer. Although I studied media and communications in college, I would like to pursue my career in programming.